About the Author

Nigel Moor was born during the second world war in Glasgow, then evacuated to Tyneside and via the Midlands, Kenya and London now lives with his wife Christine in a converted chapel in the Cotswolds. Their three daughters are now grown up and live away. They have three grandchildren. The chapel was once owned by the Baptists who when selling the building inserted a covenant regarding the good behaviour of the occupants. ” So far I think we have kept to the restrictions” says Nigel “but I cannot vouch for those who came me before us .” A career as a town planner has led Nigel to many parts of the world. He worked on the new town Dodoma in Tanzania. He has also been active in local politics and was Mayor of Wallingford, a historic market town in the Thames Valley.  A district councillor he was much involved in the growth of Didcot in Oxfordshire , bringing forward a new cinema and arts building  in the new town centre.

In Gloucestershire he was a county councillor with cabinet responsibility for the Environment & Planning. He served for two terms 2013-2021 before retiring. By 2021 Gloucestershire had a one billion pounds infrastructure programme, and on course to be a carbon zero council by the end of the year. Writing is his other passion. “Politics and planning fascinate me and England is going through another physical transformation, similar in scale to that of the Victorian period. This frightens so many people but the ability to accept change is part of the DNA of the English. It is why we spread all over the world and why English is the second choice language of the rest of the world.


Following my retirement from planning consultancy I have been able to concentrate on my county council work and research. I have now completed my Professional Doctorate at the University of the West of England Bristol. My thesis focussed on planning and governance and the role of the elected councillor, particularly in preparing development plans, and the important role of scrutiny. It is available on the UWE research archive. My graduation was in the wonderful surroundings of Bristol Cathedral.

Professional Career

I have been a professional town planner for more than forty years. Following employment at the Greater London Council I worked for consultancies Colin Buchannan & Partners and the Economist Intelligence Unit in London. I then built up my own consultancy with offices in London, Wallingford and Newmarket. The company was bought by the RPS group a 250 FT environmental consultancy and provided the base for the Oxford RPS Planning & Environmental office which is a major player in the planning and environmental sector. This allowed me time to pursue my research and local government interests.


In addition to my Doctorate I have written for many professional and business magazines and was Planning Correspondent of Building magazine 1979 – 1996.  Based on my writings I published the book The Look and Shape of England – How politics has influenced its appearance over the last century. (Book Guild 2010). In that same year I was a member of the advisory group to John Howell MP in drafting the NPPS.


Aberystwyth University

Bachelors Degree Geography Upper second

University of Liverpool

MCD City/Urban , Community & Regional Planning

University of the West of England

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Planning and Governance

Finishing on Marine Terrace Brighton having completed the London to Brighton Bike Ride in aid of the British Heart Foundation charity.